Anoop Jugurnath Shows Stephen Driver a Set

May 12, 2024

Photo: Stephen Driver

Anoop Jugurnath raises to 7,000 under the gun before Stephen Driver three-bets to 22,500 in early position.

“I like your ring, by the way,” Driver tells Jugurnath, admiring his jewelry as Jugurnath continues to consider the decision. He eventually calls.

“No jack, no ten,” Driver says, but the dealer does show the Club J along with the Spade 3Club 10 on the flop. Both players check.

The turn is the Diamond 4 and Jugurnath bets 16,000. Driver calls and the Heart 8 falls on the river. Jugurnath then bets 25,000.

“I have a feeling you have ace-queen, or we’re chopping,” Driver says before putting in his last 28,000. Jugurnath quickly calls and shows Heart 3Club 3 for a set.

Driver mucks and is sent to the rail. “I knew I wanted to fold,” he says on his way to the exit.

Anoop Jugurnath- 180,000 (60 bb)
Stephen Driver- eliminated

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