Aniruddha Joshi Catches a Fortunate Runout to Double

Apr 13, 2023

Romit Advani raises to 8,500 from under the gun and Aniruddha Joshi then jams for 66,500. Anand Pallikona calls and Advani folds, flashing his cards only to a table neighbour.

Aniruddha Joshi: Heart KHeart Q
Anand Pallikona: Diamond JHeart J

It is a classic flip after which Joshi is in dire shape on the Spade JSpade 9Club 8 flop. Only a ten would do and that comes with the Heart 10 turn, the Spade 6 river then fails to pair up Pallikona as Joshi holds on for the double.

Aniruddha Joshi – 145,000
Romit Advani – 320,000
Anand Pallikona – 245,000

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