Anil Adiani Eliminated in 10th Place By Deepak Singh (860,000 INR)

Apr 16, 2023

Anil Adiani

Anil Adiani opts to jam out of the small blind for the 515,000 he has left with the end of the level approaching. Deepak Singh glances at his cards in the big blind and calls.

Anil Adiani: Heart QDiamond J
Deepak Singh: Club ASpade 8

Yet again a short stack is all-in for just a couple of big blinds and the conclusion of the day is five cards away. The Diamond 10Heart 10Spade 6 flop fails to help Adiani but he gains a lot of equity with the Heart K turn.

As the rail draws closer to witness the last card, there is a sudden applause when the Diamond 7 river lets the final table bubble burst. All nine remaining contenders now bag their chips for the night and return the following day at 1pm to determine a champion.

Deepak Singh – 3,350,000 (33 bb)
Anil Adiani – Eliminated in 10th Place (860,000 INR)

Stay tuned for the counts and seat assignments of tomorrow’s final table.

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