Angie Park Eliminated by Nektarios Papadedes in 12th Place (CAD $37,000)

May 20, 2024

Photo: Angie Park

“Mikey, I’m all in too,” Angie Park yells over to Thinh “Mike” Bui who had just busted at the other table. Park moves all in for 560,000 on the button and Nektarios Papadedes calls in the big blind.

Angie Park: Heart ADiamond J
Nektarios Papadedes: Heart KHeart Q

The flop comes Club KHeart 8Diamond 5 and Papadedes takes the lead with a pair of kings. The Diamond 6 turn is no help to Park, while the river comes the Spade Q to improve Papadedes to two pair and send Park to the rail in 12th place.

“You couldn’t do it a little earlier,” Bui says.

Nektarios Papadedes- 4,200,000 (70 bb)
Angie Park- eliminated in 12th place (CAD $37,000)

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