Andy Michael Graf Doubles Through Richard Bodis

May 12, 2023

A player in first position raises to 1,300 and in the hijack, Richard Bodis three bets to 2,700. Andy Michael Graf moves all in for 10,400 on the button which sees only Bodis call. 

Andy Michael Graf: Diamond KDiamond 10
Richard Bodis: Diamond AHeart K

Graf was dominated, needing to pair his kicker which he did on the Heart 10Spade 6Diamond 5 flop. The turn Heart 4 eliminates any backdoor possibilities for Bodis and the river Spade 10 further improves Graf to three tens and he doubles through Bodis. 

Andy Michael Graf – 23,600 (39 bb)
Richard Bodis – 7,800 (13 bb)

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