Andrii Nikitin Felted by Massive Cooler to Antal Roth

Apr 13, 2024

SXXII WPT Prime Slovakia
Photo: Antal Roth

About 4,000 is in the middle on a flop of Spade 10Heart 8Spade 5Heart 9 as Andrii Nikitin bets 2,000 from the big blind.

Antal Roth raises to 4,500 and sends Nikitin into the tank. 

After about a minute, Nikitin moves all in for just over 35,000 which Roth snap-calls.

Andrii Nikitin: Club 9Diamond 9
Antal Roth: Spade QSpade J

The turn had given Nikitin top set and Roth the nut straight. Nikitin will need the board to pair to survive.

Instead, the dealer places the Club A on the river to send Nikitin to the rail.

Antal Roth – 77,000
Andrii Nikitin – eliminated

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