Andrew Moreno Building Big Already

May 22, 2023

Following a middle position limp from Thanh Lien, Brayan Solis raises to 1,000 in the hijack which gets calls from Andrew Moreno on the button along with Jeremy Dan in the small blind, Jared Greiner in the big blind, and Lien.

So five ways to the flop of Club 8Spade 7Spade 8 action checks to Moreno who bets 1,500. Dan check-raises to 4,300 which gets a cold-call from Solis and another call from Moreno.

On the Spade 10 turn, Dan leads for 12,100 which gets calls from both opponents as a significant pot is officially brewing.

On the Diamond 7 river, Dan and Solis check before Moreno moves all in for about 80,000, covering both opponents.

They each quickly fold, and after some prodding from his opponents, Moreno shows the Diamond 10 as the pot is pushed his way.

Andrew Moreno – 140,000 (466 bb)
Brayan SolisĀ  – 66,500 (221 bb)
Jeremy Dan – 39,000 (130 bb)

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