Andrew Lichtenberger Takes Out Jerry Yang and Matt O'Donnell

Mar 4, 2013

Andrew Lichtenberger opens to 2,300 from UTG+2 and Matt O’Donnell moves all in for 7,900 from the hijack. Action folds to Jerry Yang in the big blind and he four-bets to 17,000. Lichtenberger slides his tall stack of T5,000 red chips into the middle and after about 90 seconds, Yang calls all in for about 70,000.

Lichtenberger: [AdKs]
O’Donnell: [KdJd]
Yang: [9c9s]

The board runs out [JcTs6sAh4d] to give Lichtenberger a pair of aces to score the double elimination.

Andrew Lichtenberger – 295,000 (295 bb)
Matt O’Donnell – Eliminated
Jerry Yang – Eliminated

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