Andrew Khachatourians Eliminates Opponent with Jacks

Aug 22, 2018

Sean Yu opens with a raise to 3,500 before the player on the button goes all in for 19,000. Gerson Gomez calls in the small blind, as does Andrew Khachatourians in the big blind.

Yu comes along also, and the dealer spreads a Heart 4Club QDiamond 2 flop. Gomez checks, Khachatourians bets 25,000 and Yu calls as Gomez mucks.

The turn is the Diamond A, and Khachatourians pushes all in for 58,000. Yu folds.

Khachatourians: Spade JClub J
Opponent: Spade 3Diamond 3

The river lands the Heart 7 and Khachatourians eliminates his opponent.

Andrew Khachatourians – 180,000
Gerson Gomez – 175,000
Sean Yu – 90,000

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