Andrew Hinrichsen Flops a Straight Against Steven Swalling

Oct 4, 2019

Andrew Hinrichsen

With the board showing Diamond AHeart KClub JSpade 5 on the turn and a little more than 20K already in the pot, Andrew Hinrichsen (pictured) bets 15,000 from the hijack, and Steven Swalling thinks for a while before he calls from the button.

The river card is the Club 9, Hinrichsen bets 33,000, and Swalling pauses for a moment or two before he calls. Hinrichsen shows Diamond QSpade 10 for a flopped ace-high straight, and Swalling says “Oh man, nice hand,” as he mucks his cards. Hinrichsen wins the pot with his straight.

Andrew Hinrichsen  –  268,000  (168 bb)
Steven Swalling  –  105,000  (66 bb)

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