Andrew Batkin Doubles Through Ronnie Bardah

Oct 31, 2010

Ronnie Bardah raises to 21,500 from middle position and Andrew Batkin moves all-in for around 75,000 from the cutoff.  Action folds back around to Bardah, who calls.

Bardah shows [AsKc] and he is racing with Batkin’s [6h6c].  After the flop falls [9h5h4c], Bardah starts to sing quietly to himself, "Never win a race in my life…Never in my damned life…"

Bardah fails to improve at the turns brings the [10h] and the river the [Js] to give Batkin the pot and the double up on the final hand before break.

Andrew Batkin – 175,000 (18 big blinds)
Ronnie Bardah – 95,000 (12 big blinds)

After the hand, Bardah walks over to the rail and returns his long black wig to its rightful owner.  

"Wig’s off," Bardah tells her.  "It was giving me a headache anyways."  As Bardah starts to walk away, he offers her one more parting thought:

"Wearing hair like that is tough.  Don’t know how the drag queens do it."

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