Andrea Zigrossi Rivers Yiladizhan Ekin

Aug 24, 2024

Andrea ZigrossiPhoto: Andrea Zigrossi

In a raised pot on a flop of Heart 9Diamond 6Club 6, after Yiladizhan Ekin checks his big blind to Andrea Zigrossi under the gun who bets 10,000, Ekin check-raises to 32,000.

Zigrossi moves all in, covering Ekin’s 143,000 total. Ekin happily calls with the best of it.

Yiladizhan Ekin: Diamond AClub 9
Andrea Zigrossi: Diamond QSpade J

The turn Heart 2 is clean for Ekin, but the Heart J hits the river, prompting an angry punch of the table from Ekin who gets rivered by Zigrossi to be eliminated, while Zigrossi regains the chip lead.

Andrea Zigrossi – 590,000 (147 bb)
Yiladizhan Ekin – eliminated

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