Andras Matrai Takes a Chunk Out of Tomas Svoboda

Apr 12, 2024

Tomas Svoboda opens to 13,000 from early position and Andras Matrai calls in the big blind.

Matrai check-calls a bet of 14,000 from Svoboda on a flop of Spade 8Heart ADiamond Q.

On the Club 2 turn, Matrai check-calls a bet of 33,000 from Svoboda.

The Diamond 4 rolls off on the river, and Matrai checks for a third time to his opponent.

Undeterred, Svoboda again reaches for chips and fires out a bet of 58,000. Matrai again makes the quick call.

Svoboda shows Diamond JDiamond 5 for jack-high, while Matrai shows Spade ASpade 3 for a pair of aces, sending him a significant pot. 

Andras Matrai – 575,000 (95 bb)
Tomas Svoboda – 220,000 (36 bb)

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