Andras Matrai Finds Tough River Call

Apr 14, 2024

Andras Matrai raises to 80,000 under the gun and Dennis Gerschengoren calls in the next seat.

On the Spade QHeart JDiamond 8 Matrai check-calls a bet of 130,000 from his opponent. 

On the Diamond 3 turn, Matrai check-calls a bet of 260,000 from Gerschengoren. 

The Heart 2 rolls off on the river and Matrai checks for a third time. Gerschengoren slides out a bet of 600,000.

After taking two timebanks, Matrai calls and shows Spade KDiamond J for second pair, while Gerschengoren shows Club 7Club 6 for seven-high.

Andras Mattrai – 3,600,000 (90 bb)
Dennis Gerschengoren – 1,700,000 (42 bb)

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