Andra Zachow Knocks Out a Player

Jun 23, 2019

Andra Zachow
Photo:  Andra Zachow (right)

After a flop of Club KClub 10Club 9, the small blind checks, Andra Zachow checks the hijack, and the player in the cutoff bets. Both the small blind and Zachow call.

The turn card is the Diamond 3, and it checks to the cutoff again, and once again, he bets. The small blind folds, and Zachow calls.

The river card is the Heart 8, Zachow checks, the cutoff bets, and Zachow thinks for a while before she moves all in.

The cutoff stops to think for a while, and asks, “Did you flop it?” Zachow says nothing.

Eventually, the cutoff calls with Heart KSpade 10 for top two pair, but Zachow turns over Club QClub J to win the pot with a king-high straight flush.

The cutoff says, “Oh yeah, you flopped it!” as he is eliminated from Day 1C.

Andra Zachow  –  87,500  (109 bb)

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