Anca Camelia Eggenberger Wins a Three-Way All-In to Double Thru Samuel Klocker and Eliminate Thi Kim Thu Le

Sep 5, 2024

Anca Camelia Eggenberger
Photo:  Anca Camelia Eggenberger won a side event here earlier today, and then hopped into Day 1A of WPT Prime Liechtenstein, where she now appears to be chipleader.

Anca Camelia Eggenberger raises from middle position to about 15,000, Samuel Klocker reraises from the cutoff to 42,000, and Thi Kim Thu Le moves all in from the small blind for 123,000.

Eggenberger quickly moves all in over the top for 156,000, and Klocker waits for an exact count before he calls, covering both of them.

Samuel Klocker:  Club AClub K
Anca Camelia Eggenberger:  Spade AHeart A
Thi Kim Thu Le:  Spade QClub Q

The board comes Spade 7Heart 4Diamond 3Club 9Diamond 8, and the aces hold up for Eggenberger to win the entire pot, doubling thru Klocker and eliminating Le from Day 1A. Eggenberger appears to have taken the chip lead.

Anca Camelia Eggenberger  –  445,000  (74 bb)
Samuel Klocker  –  360,000  (60 bb)
Thi Kim Thu Le  –  Eliminated

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