Anastasia Repalo Doesn't Back Down From Bakhos Joumaa

Mar 20, 2024

Photo: Anastasia Repalo

With around 15,000 in the pot on a flop of Club 8Spade 9Spade A, Anastasia Repalo bets 2,500 from the big blind and Bakhos Joumaa calls under the gun.

The turn is the Heart 4 and Repalo bets another 3,000. Joumaa then raises to 12,000 and Repalo calls.

Repalo checks the Spade K river and Joumaa checks back this time. Repalo then shows Club AClub K for two pair and Joumaa mucks.

“The river saved you,” a tablemate says to her as she rakes in the pot.

Anastasia Repalo- 45,000 (56 bb)
Bakhos Joumaa- 110,000 (138 bb)

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