Amir Babakhani Gets There

Aug 22, 2016

On a board reading Club QHeart 9Club 3Heart 10, with about 5,000 in the pot, Srinivas Gottiparthi leads out for 3,800 from middle position, and Amir Babakhani calls from the hijack.

The river is the Club 9. Gottiparthi leads out again, this time for 4,500. Babakhani wastes no time and calls. Gottiparthi says, “You’re good” as Babakhani tables Club KDiamond 9 for trip nines. Gottiparthi mucks his cards.

Amir Babakhani – 37,000 (46 bb)
Srinivas Gottiparthi – 7,000 (8 bb)

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