Amar Katharani Runs Into Aces

Apr 16, 2023

Yuvraj Singh flat-calls a raise by Anil Adiani and Amar Katharani then pushes all-in for around seven big blinds in the big blind. Adiani ships it in for more than half a million and Singh sigh-folds.

Amar Katharani: Diamond KSpade Q
Anil Adiani: Spade AHeart A

The Club JSpade JClub 4Spade 2Diamond 8 runout ends the tournament for Katharani, while Adiani chips up even further.

Yuvraj Singh – 830,000 (83 bb)
Anil Adiani – 600,000 (60 bb)
Amar Katharani – Eliminated

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