Alok Bhatt Doubles Through Alok Megalmani

Apr 15, 2023

With some 25,000 in the middle to the Spade 10Spade 5Diamond 3Diamond 2 turn, Alok Megalmani bets 13,000 when checked to. Alok Bhatt then jams for 64,600 total and receives a very reluctant call.

Alok Bhatt: Spade QClub 10
Alok Megalmani: Diamond JDiamond 10

Megalmani is trailing but has several outs. None of them come on the Spade K river to ship a large double over to Bhatt.

Gaurav Bhandari – 170,000
Alok Bhatt – 155,000
Alok Megalmani – 45,000

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