Allie Prescott vs. Kenny Nguyen

Apr 20, 2012

Allie Prescott raises to 5,000 from early position and Kenny Nguyen calls from the big blind. The flop comes [10s6h4h] and both players check. The turn brings the [As] and Nguyen bets 6,500. Prescott eyes Nguyen’s stack and sees he has around 50,000 behind before raising to 13,000. Nguyen fires back, making it an additional 23,000 to play.

"You the man," Prescott says as he folds. His cards accidentally flip over and Prescott’s [7c8c] for a double-gutter is exposed as Nguyen takes the pot.

Kenny Nguyen – 85,000
Allie Prescott – 180,000 

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