Alexey Mishuk Hits an Ace in Four-Bet Pot

Apr 11, 2024

Alexey Mishuk raises to 5,000 on the button before Laszlo Vincze three-bets to 13,000 in the small blind. Mishuk four-bets to 28,000 and Vincze calls.

The flop comes Spade ADiamond 4Diamond 3 and Mishuk bets 16,000. Vincze calls to see the Heart 9 turn.

Both players check to the Spade 6 river and Vincze checks over to Mishuk again. Mishuk checks back and Vincze shows Heart 10Spade 10. Mishuk, though, has Heart AClub 8 for a pair of aces to win the pot.

Alexey Mishuk- 150,000 (60 bb)
Laszlo Vincze- 35,000 (14 bb)

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