Alexey Mishuk Busts Brandon Mifsud

Apr 11, 2024

Photo: Alexey Mishuk

Alexey Mishuk opens to 10,000 from the cutoff and Brandon Mifsud promptly produces a three-bet to 100,000 from the button, leaving himself only 10,000 behind. Mishuk quickly moves all-in and Mifsud is left with little choice but to make the call to put himself at risk.

Brandon Mifsud:Diamond KClub 6
Alexey Mishuk:Diamond AClub K

Mifsud is in trouble with his king dominated, and no help arrives on the Heart 2Heart 3Spade 3Heart 7Diamond 5 runout, Mishuk’s ace-high being good enough to send Mifsud to the rail. Mishuk moves to the 400,000 mark.

Alexey Mishuk – 400,000 (80 bb)
Brandon Mifsud – eliminated.

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