Alexandr Gaydukov Eliminated in 9th Place (₽1,199,800/$16,071)

Feb 27, 2021


A few minutes after the previous all-in showdown, Ravil Khamatgareev raises from the cutoff and calls the jam Alexander Gaydukov (pictured) from one seat over on the button for what appears to be 600,000.

Alexander Gaydukov: Club ASpade 9
Ravil Khamatgareev: Spade 6Club 6

The board runs out Diamond KSpade QDiamond 3Club 4Spade 4 to send Gaydukov out in 9th place.

Ravil Khamatgareev – 2,800,000 (112 bb)
Alexandr Gaydukov – Eliminated in 9th Place (₽1,199,800/$16,071)

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