Alexander Lyan Eliminated in 22nd Place by Li Jiang Liu ($11,397)

Jul 21, 2023

Alexander Lyan

Chao Ting Cheng opens to 105,000 from middle position and Li Jiang Liu calls on the hijack. Alexander Lyan three-bet rips in the small blind, totaling 450,000. Cheng mucks and Liu calls.

Alexander Lyan: Diamond ASpade 7
Li Jiang Liu: Spade JDiamond J

The dealer spreads Club 8Heart 4Club 2 on the flop, leaving Liu ahead with his johnnies. Lyan needs some help but fails to find any on the Spade 4Spade 9 runout, falling in 22nd place.

Li Jiang Liu – 2,980,000 (50 bb)
Alexander Lyan – Eliminated in 22nd Place $11,397

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