Alex Kimpel Eliminated by Adam Templeman

Jun 14, 2019

After a flop of Club ADiamond 4Diamond 3, Adam Templeman checks the big blind, and Matthew Ball bets 1,600 from middle position. Alex Kimpel moves all in from the button for 11,700, Templeman calls, and Ball tanks for a while before he folds.

Kimpel asks, “Do you have a set?”

Templeman shows Spade 4Heart 4 for a set of fours, and Kimpel turns over Heart AHeart 3 for two pair. Kimpel needs to catch an ace or something runner-runner to stay alive.

The turn card is the Spade 8, the river card is the Heart 10, and Templeman wins the pot with his set of fours to eliminate Kimpel.

Adam Templeman  –  46,000  (230 bb)
Alex Kimpel  –  Eliminated

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