Alex Isen Eliminated By Adam Torma in 23rd Place (€6,100)

Apr 14, 2024

Photo: Alex Isen

Action is folded to Alex Isen in the cutoff, who moves all in for 550,000. Adam Torma calls on the button.

Alex Isen:Diamond 9Heart 9
Adam Torma:Diamond 8Heart 8

Isen is in great shape for a double-up but the Spade 8 is in the window on the Spade 8Heart JClub Q flop.

The Heart J turn is also terrible for Isen as it takes away his straight draws, and he is now drawing to a nine on the river.

The Club 5 completes the board and sends the unfortunate Isen to the rail in 23rd place.

Adam Torma – 3,800,000 (126 bb)
Alex Isen – eliminated in 23rd place (€6,100)

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