Alex Foxen vs. Conrad Corrigan

Oct 31, 2019

There is a raise preflop with a call or two, and then Alex Foxen reraises from the hijack. Conrad Corrigan in the small blind is the only player who calls.

The flop comes Diamond 9Club 8Spade 7, Corrigan bets 6,500, and Foxen calls.

The turn card is the Club Q, Corrigan checks, Foxen bets 12,600, and Corrigan tanks for a while before he says, “Raise,” and puts out 12,600. But there has been a recent rule change here so if a player verbalizes a non-specific raise and then puts out a call, it’s automatically a min-raise. So Corrigan is forced to min-raise to 25,200.

“Maybe I wanted to min-raise anyway,” says Corrigan.

Foxen replies, “Maybe. Did you?” Foxen thinks for a bit before he calls.

The river card is the Club 5, and Corrigan moves all in for about 38,000. Foxen folds fairly quickly, and Corrigan takes the pot.

Conrad Corrigan  –  132,500  (166 bb)
Alex Foxen  –  28,000  (35 bb)

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