Alessio Fratti Out in 12th Place ($20,000)

Jul 10, 2014

Brian Benhamou moves all in under the gun for about 1.5 million, and Alessio Fratti tanks for a long time before he calls from the big blind for about 670,000 with [9d6d].

Benhamou turns over [KdJd], and Fratti needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [Kh7s2h3d7d], and Benhamou pairs his king on the flop to win the pot with two pair, kings and sevens. Fratti is eliminated in 12th place.

Brian Benhamou  –  2,400,000  (20 bb)
Alessio Fratti  –  Out in 12th Place  ($20,000)

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