Alessandro Boschi Wins Three-Way All In

Jun 10, 2023

>Mohamed Mangroe - Day 2

Maher Achour opens from early position and Mohamed Mangroe (pictured above) shoves for 250,000 from the button. Alessandro Boschi (pictured below) reshoves for 320,000 from the big blind and Achour calls having them both covered. 

Alessandro Boschi: Heart KDiamond K
Maher Achour: Heart QSpade Q
Mohamed Mangroe: Club JHeart J

The board comes Club 4Spade 4Heart 2Spade 10Diamond 9 and Boschi’s kings hold to double up and knock out Mangroe. 

Alessandro Boschi – 785,000 (39 bb)
Maher Achour – 500,000 (25 bb)
Mohamed Mangroe Eliminated

Alessandro Boschi - Day 2

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