Albertus van Putten Eliminated by Marco Mancusi

Mar 21, 2024

Photo: Marco Mancusi

Albertus van Putten moves all in for 630,000 in the small blind and Marco Mancusi calls on the button.

Albertus van Putten: Heart AHeart Q
Marco Mancusi: Spade ADiamond J

The flop comes Spade 5Spade KDiamond 10 and both players pick up a straight draw. Mancusi begins pleading for a queen as the turn comes the Heart 5. The river gives him his wish as the dealer turns over the Club Q and Mancusi completes his straight.

“Wow. Lucky day for you,” a tablemate says as Mancusi exchanges a fist bump with van Putten before van Putten makes his exit.

Marco Mancusi- 2,100,000 (70 bb)
Albertus van Putten- eliminated

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