Alan Wentz Triples Up

Nov 25, 2018

Alan Wentz Alan Wentz Alan Wentz

Following a flop of Heart AHeart 6Diamond 3 with about 100,000 in the pot, Alan Wentz (pictured) checks from the big blind and the player under the gun bets 67,000. James Gilbert calls from middle position, Loni Harwood folds from the button and Wentz check-raises all in for 202,000. The UTG player calls, Gilbert reraises all in with a covering stack and the UTG player folds.

Wentz shows Heart KHeart 2, leading Gilbert’s Heart JHeart 10.

The Heart 7 turn and Spade 4 river complete the board, giving Wentz the nut flush to triple up.

Alan Wentz – 720,000 (72 bb)
James Gilbert – 900,000 (90 bb)

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