Adrijan Bat Hits a Home Run Versus David Orec

Sep 7, 2023

Adrijan BatPhoto: Adrijan Bat

Adrijan Bat opens to 2,200 in middle position and gets three-bet to 8,000 by David Orec on the button. Bat calls and the dealer spreads a flop of Heart AHeart 9Heart 6.

The players check to the Spade 10 turn and Bat bets 16,500. Orec moves all in for just over 25,000 and Bat calls.

David Orec: Heart KDiamond K
Adrijan Bat: Club 10Heart 10

Orec needs a king or a heart to avoid being sent to the rail, but the Club 5 eliminates him, sending a sizeable pot to Bat.

Adrijan Bat – 151,000 (188 bb)
David Orec – eliminated

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