Adrian Pacheco Eliminated in 26th Place by Ken Demlakian

Sep 25, 2023

Adrian Pacheco
Photo:  Adrian Pacheco

Down to 210,000, mid position Adrian Pacheco raises 125,000, small blind Ken Demlakian re-raises 350,000, big blind folds, Pacheco commits the rest of his stack and turns over Diamond AHeart Q. It’s a flip with Demlakian holding Club 9Spade 9. When the flop comes Spade QClub 4Spade 4, Pacheco jumps out front with top pair, but with the turn Spade 2 and river Spade 10, Demlakian improves to a flush to eliminate Pacheco. 

Ken Demlakian – 1,690,000 (84 bb)
Adrian Pacheco – Eliminated in 26th Place (AUD 26,007) 

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