Aditya Singh Eliminated by New Chip Leader Romit Advani

Apr 13, 2023

The hijack raises to 12,000 and is called by Aditya Singh in the cutoff. Romit Advani three-bets to 50,000 in the big blind, which receives a fold from the original raiser, but sends Singh into the tank.

After a minute or so of thought he moves all in for about 150,000 and is snap-called by Advani.

Aditya Singh: Spade AClub Q
Romit Advani: Heart AHeart K

The board comes Club JDiamond 4Heart 5Club 9Diamond 5, bringing no help to Singh, sending his chips to Advani who soars over 540,000.


Romit Advani – 540,000
Aditya Singh – eliminated

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