Aditya Prasetyo Eliminated by Charles Johnson

Apr 21, 2024

Aditya PrasetyoPhoto: Aditya Prasetyo

Jeremy Becker raises to 10,000 from early position and is called by a player in middle position. Charles Johnson three-bets to 40,000 from the cutoff and after some deliberation, Aditya Prasetyo moves all-in from the button for 110,000, with only Johnson making the call. 

Prasetyo: Spade AClub Q
Johnson: Heart ADiamond A

The final board runs out Heart 4Diamond 4Club 3Spade 5Heart J, giving Prasetyo some hope of a chop on the turn, but Johnson’s aces hold to end his day. 

Charles Johnson – 580,000
Jeremy Becker – 375,000
Aditya Prasetyo – eliminated 

Charles JohnsonPhoto: Charles Johnson

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