Adin Gardenswartz Eliminated in 71st Place by Brian Snell

Aug 26, 2018

Adin Gardenswartz_WPT500_L1070111

On a board of Club 8Spade 7Spade KDiamond 6Spade J with roughly 600,000 in the middle, Brian Snell moves all in for 429,000 from the small blind.

Adin Gardenswartz is at-risk, and he uses a time extension chip before making the call for his 228,000 and tables his Spade 6Heart 6.

Snell reveals his Spade 8Spade 5 for a flush, and Gardenswartz is eliminated in 71st place.

Brian Snell – 1,350,000
Adin Gardenswartz – Eliminated in 71st Place ($2,835)

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