Adil Atif Morkos Trips Up Olivier Rebello

May 19, 2024

Olivier Rebello moves all in for 17,500 in the hijack and Adil Atif Morkos calls in the big blind.

Olivier Rebello: Club KClub 9
Adil Atif Morkos: Heart ADiamond 6

Both players hit a pair on the Diamond KHeart 8Club A flop, but Morkos is ahead with his pair of aces. “No, don’t stand up,” Morkos says to Rebello who gets up from his seat to await the rest of the board.

The turn is the Club 5, while the Spade A river improves Morkos to trips and sends Rebello to the rail.

Adil Atif Morkos- 112,000 (45 bb)
Olivier Rebello- eliminated

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