Adam Torma Eliminated by Fabian Gumz in 12th Place (€9,500)

Apr 14, 2024

PhotoAdam Torma

Adam Torma had been left short after the previous hand against Fabian Gumz, and in this hand he moves all-in for 420,000 over Gumz’ open to 120,000. Gumz makes the quick call.

Adam Torma: Diamond JSpade J
Fabian Gumz:Club ADiamond Q 

Torma was ahead in a race, but not for long after the Spade QClub 3Club 10 flop rolled off, putting Gumz into the lead with a pair of queens, with the Heart 5Spade 9 turn and river not altering matter.

Fabian Gumz- 2,100,000 (35 bb)
Adam Torma- eliminated in 12th place (€9,500)

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