Adam Swan Eliminated in 21st Place by Tanner Millen

Apr 16, 2018

Adam Swan

Adam Swan (pictured) raises under the gun to 55,000, Jeff Fielder calls from the button, and Tanner Millen reraises from the big blind to 165,000. Swan moves all in for 1,039,000, and Fielder folds.

Millen calls with Spade AClub A, and Swan turns over Diamond ADiamond K. Swan needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Heart QClub 8Club 6Heart 4Spade 4, and the pocket aces hold up for Millen to win the pot and eliminate Swan in 21st place.

Tanner Millen  –  2,540,000  (106 bb)
Adam Swan  –  Eliminated in 21st Place  ($23,928)

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