Adam Gheyasla Eliminated by Koos Bos

Mar 21, 2024

Dwayne Sluis raises to 50,000 in early position and Koos Bos calls in the small blind. Adam Gheyasla then moves all in for 315,000 in the big blind, Sluis folds, but Bos calls.

Adam Gheyasla: Heart ASpade Q
Koos Bos: Diamond KSpade J

Gheyasla remains in the lead on the Heart 9Heart 4Spade 8 flop, but Bos hits the Heart J on the turn. The river is the Diamond 4 and Bos wins the pot to send Gheyasla to the rail.

Koos Bos- 2,200,000 (88 bb)
Adam Gheyasla- eliminated

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