Action Table for Sergio Veloso and Hugo Ramos

Aug 31, 2017

Sergio Veloso

We were informed by our Portuguese colleagues that Sergio Veloso (pictured above) enjoyed a successful trip to Barcelona earlier this month, including a deep run in a side event and several other cashes at the recent PokerStars Championship.

In this hand he opened from under the gun and got two caller. He was then three-bet to 1,300 by Hugo Ramos on the button and the three other players all called.

The four players checked a flop and turn of Spade 9Club 10Heart 7Diamond 8 before Veloso took matters into his own hands by betting 2,500 on the Club K river. One player folded before Frederic Hebette called. Ramos folded and Veloso turned over Diamond ADiamond 4 and Hebette won the pot with Diamond 9Heart J for a straight.

Hugo Ramos

In the very next hand a player opened to 450 and Hugo Ramos (pictured above) three-bet to 1,650 from the cutoff. The initial player called and the flop came Heart KSpade 7Spade 8 and it checked to Ramos who continued for 2,050. His opponent raised to 5,000 and Ramos moved all in. His opponent called.

Ramos: Spade KDiamond K
Opponent: Spade JSpade Q

The turn was the Diamond 9 and the river the Club 4 meaning Ramos doubled up.

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