Aces vs. Aces for Michael Seymour and Sean Smith

Oct 4, 2019

Sean Smith raises from middle position to 525, the player in the hijack calls, and Michael Seymour reraises from the small blind to 2,400. Smith reraises to 10,525, the hijack folds, and Seymour thinks for a bit before he five-bet shoves all in for about 28,000.

Smith calls all in for about 23,000 with Spade ADiamond A, and Seymour turns over Heart AClub A. Unless somebody makes a flush, it’ll be a chopped pot.

The flop comes Diamond 9Diamond 5Diamond 3, and Smith says, “Come on!” as he is now freerolling a diamond flush draw.

But the turn card is the Heart 9, the river card is the Heart J, and without a fourth diamond it’s a chopped pot.

Michael Seymour  –  28,000  (140 bb)
Sean Smith  –  23,000  (115 bb)

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