Aces Giveth; Aces Taketh Away

Sep 1, 2017

Mario Milhoes
Luis Fernandes, fresh from knocking out Sandro Mescola, raised to 400 under the gun and Mario Milhoes three-bet to 725. Manuel Borges called and the action folded back to Fernandes.

Fernandes four-bet to 4,100. Milhoes called and Borges folded.

The flop came Heart 8Club KClub 3 and Fernandes bet 10,000. Milhoes moved all in and Fernandes snap-called.

Fernandes: Spade AHeart A
Milhoes : Diamond KDiamond 3

Milhoes got paid off after calling pre-flop with a suited king and had flopped two pair. The turn Heart 10 and river Club 6 failed to improve Fernandes’s hand and he was eliminated.

A stunning turn of events for Luis Fernandes who felt the full gamut of emotions Pocket Aces can bring to a poker tournament.

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