Abhishek Sharma Busts Vinay Boob and Leaves Pradip Ghosh Short

Apr 13, 2023

Vinay Boob jams for the last 18,000 and Abhishek Sharma calls on the button. Pradip Ghosh jams out of the big blind and Sharma obliges to create a three-way showdown.

Vinay Boob: Heart KHeart Q
Abhishek Sharma: Heart ASpade K
Pradip Ghosh: Spade AClub J

Boob asks for a queen and gets it on the Diamond QSpade 10Club 4 flop. The Spade J turn now has Sharma with broadway and he is guaranteed a return in the hand. Boob and Ghosh have outs to survive but brick the Heart 7 on the river. Sharma doubles for 46,000 as Ghosh drops to the short stacks.

Abhishek Sharma – 115,000
Pradip Ghosh – 20,000
Vinay Boob – Eliminated

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