Abhishek Jain Doubles Through Ankur Sehgal

Apr 15, 2023

Ankur Sehgal raises to 1,000 and Abhishek Jain three-bets to 4,000, picking up two callers behind. Sehgal ponders about the next move to then move all-in and Jain snap-calls for his last 21,200. The other two players fold and the cards are revealed.

Abhishek Jain: Heart KSpade K
Ankur Sehgal: Diamond QHeart Q

The two premium pairs get the chips in and it is Jain who prevails on the Club JSpade 5Heart 2Club 7Diamond 4 runout.

Abhishek Jain – 49,000
Ankur Sehgal – 8,000

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