Abernathy Missing But Smiling

May 11, 2015

Samantha AbernathyErik van den Berg raises to 400, Floris van der Ven flats, the button three-bets to 1,575, and only Samantha Abernathy wants to tango from the big blind.

Flop: 5diamond 4club 3club

Both players check.

Turn: Tdiamond

Abernathy bets 2,300, and the button calls.

River: 9diamond

Both players check.

The button tables Kdiamond 4heart for a pair of fours, and Abernathy shows Aspade Jdiamond for ace high. The fours take the pot, but Abernathy, who we believe is celebrating her birthday, is still smiling.

Abernathy ~ 62,000

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