Abel Ouellet-Clark Eliminated by Dan Stavila in 25th Place

May 17, 2024

Photo: Abel Ouellet-Clark

Dan Stavila raises to 110,000 on the button, Abel Ouellet-Clark moves all in for 265,000 in the big blind, and Stavila calls.

Abel Ouellet-Clark: Diamond KClub J
Dan Stavila: Diamond ADiamond 3

“Good luck. Patience will be rewarded,” Stavila tells Ouellet-Clark.

“Thanks. It’s the best hand I’ve seen in forever,” Ouellet-Clark replies.

The flop comes Diamond 4Heart 8Diamond 7 to give Stavila a flush draw. “That’s not good,” Ouellet-Clark says.

The rest of the board comes Club 7Spade 3 and Ouellet-Clark is eliminated in 25th place.

Dan Stavila- 3,200,000 (64 bb)
Abel Ouellet-Clark- eliminated in 25th place (CAD $8,400)

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