Aaron Massey Flops a Straight Against Cary Katz

Dec 15, 2021

Cary Katz raises to 600 from under the gun and Aaron Massey calls from the big blind.

The flop is Club 7Diamond 6Diamond 5 and Massey check-calls 2,000 from Katz.

The turn is the Diamond A and Massey check-calls 3,400 from Katz.

The river is the Club 9 and both players check.

Massey shows Diamond 9Heart 8 for a nine-high straight, besting Katz’s Heart 6Heart 5 for two pair to win the pot.

Aaron Massey  –  51,000  (170 bb)
Cary Katz  –  22,000  (73 bb)

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