A-K vs. A-K: Elio Fox Eliminated by Tobias Ziegler

May 29, 2019

Elio Fox

In the first hand of the day, Tobias Ziegler raises from the cutoff, Elio Fox reraises from the button to 23,000, and Ziegler reraises to 72,000. Fox moves all in for 204,000, and Ziegler calls with Club ADiamond K.

Fox says, “What a stupid hand,” and turns over Spade AClub K. Unless somebody makes a flush, it’ll be a chopped pot.

The board comes Diamond QDiamond 2Heart 2Diamond 5Diamond 4, and the four diamonds on the board give Ziegler a king-high flush to win the pot and eliminate Fox from the tournament.

Tobias Ziegler  –  540,500  (180 bb)
Elio Fox  –  Eliminated

Fox takes his elimination in stride, smiling as he says, “I played it perfect.”

Igor Kurganov says, “You played one hand, and you played it well. You’re the only player here who will play perfect today.”

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